Road Safety Instructions For A New Family Man

How do you like being a new dad?

It must be exhilarating and scary at the same time. After all, it is exciting to know that someone will be calling you Daddy sooner than you realize. You may also feel scared of letting your son or daughter down or being unable to keep them from harm.


In truth, experiencing both emotions is a positive sign that you will become a great father. When the baby comes, you need to see that it won’t be rainbows and unicorns forever. Different circumstances can occur, and they won’t be good for your child. Thus, by mixing your excitement with a hint of fright, nothing will surprise you and prevent you from taking proper action.

This brings us to one topic that most new family men do not typically get advised about: road safety. Helping your wife take care of the newborn is fantastic and all, but you must especially look after your loved ones when you are behind the wheel.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately six million vehicles end up in crashes yearly. Some of them result in injuries, but others, unfortunately, cause deaths. From one dad to another, I am sure that you cannot even bear to imagine your child being in one of those accidents. So, let the following tips refresh your mind about road safety:


Make Sure Your Car Is In Tiptop Shape

Before you even think of starting your vehicle, you must ensure that it is in perfect condition. The engine light should not be blinking; the tires should be fairly new; the air-conditioning unit must be working properly. If you can only check one or two out of that list, then letting a mechanic fix it first is important.

Think of what may happen once you insist on ignoring this advice. In case the engine is busted, the automobile may stop in the middle of the road. It is alright if you only earn dirty looks from other people or hear some yell, “Haul it to the curb!” However, assuming you stop abruptly and an unskilled driver is right behind you, they may collide with your vehicle.


Keep Your Eyes On The Road

When you are driving, you should act like a real driver. You cannot be a caring father who keeps on looking back at your baby and reaching down to get their toys, no. That is a suicide, especially if you are on the highway with a high speeding limit.

To guarantee that your family can get to your destination unscathed all the time, you must keep your eyes on the road. You may check on your child through the rearview mirror sometimes, but that’s just it. In case your baby needs feeding or a diaper change, you may park somewhere and do so. That is better than fulfilling your parental duties with one hand while the other is at the wheel.


Be Mindful Of Other Motorists

The reality is that you may not always have control of your fate on the road, regardless of how careful you may be. Many people get entangled in car accidents even when they stay in their lane, wear their seatbelts, and follow the speed limit. Why? It’s because of the other motorists who are too irresponsible to be allowed on the road.

How many times have you heard of a drunk driver falling asleep at the wheel and ramming into other cars? If two regular-sized autos collide, you may be able to leave the crash site unharmed or with nothing but a scratch. But if the drunkard is riding a ten-wheeler truck while you are in a minivan, then your entire life may start flashing right before your eyes.


Try To Stay Cool At All Times

When you get behind the driver’s seat, you must make sure that you are level-headed. Your family will be riding with you, and you cannot afford to lose your cool anytime throughout the trip. Otherwise, a slip-up may cost you everything.

What I mean by this is that plenty of altercations on the streets start with road rage. Someone likely overtakes the other without warning, thus making the other feel crossed. It may push the latter to confront the former and exchange expletives without a care in the world. But if you end up engaging with a motorist who is trigger-happy, well, you know where that may lead you.

Final Thoughts

Keep in mind that you are a family man now, not a single guy who can do anything with his life. You’re not in a race car safety is paramount. Your spouse and child are relying on you, so you must do everything to make them proud. You can achieve that even when you are on the road when you can drive safely and avoid problems with other motorists.